The Isotrol Hybrid system used for maintenance of trams, Gothenburg

Applied system: Product: Dry coat µm:
Side plates and frame:
Primer: Isotrol Primer 20 µm
Top coat: Isomastic 200 µm
Under carriage:
Primer: Isotrol Primer 20 µm
Topcoat: Isomastic 240 µm
Aluminium surface:
Primer: Temakeep 20 µm
Top coat: Isomastic 180 µm<
SL underreden t_bana_800

The company Rail Carriages of Gothenburg had purchased 65 rail carts in between the years of 2006-2012 from Italy. These were not suited for the Swedish climate with its winters where adjoining roads of the tracks are salted, to prevent snow and grit. And they had thus suffered more corrosion than theorized. Maintenance were needed already in 2012 and some carriages were taken out of service in 2016 to be painted.

The Isotrol Hybrid system where chosen since it was deemed impossible to sand blast the surfaces to the degree of cleanliness need for competing paint system specifications. And some of the 65 carriages were in imediate need of maintenance to be able to continue serving the public transportation system.

The paint system had to be able to work on painted surfaces, rusty surfaces as well as on aluminium and steel surfaces. So a special primer, Temakeep, was used for aluminium surfaces to get required adhesion. For rusty or painted surfaces Isotrol Primer was used to fill pores, cracks and crevices and saturate them.

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