Testimonials and customer references

We are proud to have helped so many customers find solutions to the challenges they’ve met in regards to anti-corrosion. Here you can read some highlighted words from our clients. Or read their full testimonies.

FMV comment after 14 y of testing Isotrol
“FMV (The Swedish Defence Materiel Administration) has found ISOTROL to have good capacity of penetrating especially into overlapped surfaces corroded by rust that are impossible to be cleaned what is necessary in the pre-treatment before anti-corrosive painting. On the basis of the results of this test, the Defence Forces use today Isotrol in the painting excess of one thousand “UNIFLOTE” pontoons stored in the open for emergency use, as well as other bridges, masts etc. […]The read lead earlier used can be replaced by ISOTROL.”

Kinda Canal Company on the repainting of highly culturally valued historical bridge“The pivot bridge at Brokind lock over Kinda channel is situated in direct connection with the historic building Brokind’s country house and is part of the areas of national interest Brokind and Kinda Canal. The bridge has in a culture-historical inventory been judged to be of great value.The bridge, which had not been maintained since 1932, was in a very poor condition and so rusty that some steel parts had to be exchanged. The construction is made out of riveted steel girders.The pre-treatment was carried out with sweep blasting; priming performed with 1 time Isotrol Grund, intermediate coating with 2 times Isoguard Pansar, and final coating with 2 times Isotrol Finish.Our experience of Isotrol is that very good results are obtained on rusty surfaces. Isotrol is also excellent for touch-up painting.”

Kynningsrud Heavy Lift on the use of Isotrol on machines“Kynningsrud Heavy Lift AB are […] working with heavy lifting and transport by land and sea. Our share of the market in the Nordic countries about 70% of the available market.All of our equipment is made of steel. It is frequently loaded and unloaded and is then exposed to very rough handling. To protect our equipment we have chosen the Isotrol System considering its superior wearing strenght and qualities. […] It is easy to imagine the consequences of carrying our heavy lifts with rust damaged equipment. Since we started the company we always use the Isotrol System to protect our equipment at site and at our deport.”

Ericsson 17 years protection of water cooling pipes“The cooling water system is approx 600 meters long, the dimension of the pipe 250 mm and the average water temperature is +6°C. Inspections of the pipes take place regularly. The last one was in spring 2001. After 17 years the result is still very satisfactory. No corrosion is discernible. Considering that a 100% diffusion insulation is impossible to achive. we are impressed by the features of Isotrol. From our experiences of Isotrol we can therefore, recommend the primer to similar taskts and applications.”

Bröderna Wiberg Rederi AB shipping company gives testimony on the use of Isotrol for running maintenance“Experience has indicated that ISOTROL is very effective under the cicumstances that we are operating. We are suffering from constant mechanical damage on deck hull and shellplating which requires running maintenance. Due to this it is impossible to have a totally clean surface all the time and this is where Isotrol has proved to be very effective despite the surface still being partly corroded by rust. In addition it has also proven to have a high degree of penetrating capacity which is of utmost importance when dealing with corroded areas.”

Painting of armored cars at Parola Armour Museum in Finland“The old coating was removed properly before repainting them by Isotrol products. The surface itself consists of huge amount of welded seams and rivet joints which are always slightly challenging. One of the best features of Isotrol was its good wetting ability. It suites well for sprayed painting also in cramped premises like in a crew compartment of a tank due to a fact that the paint doesn’t spill or leak but fastens properly on the dry steel surface.According our experiences another very good feature is Isotrol’s penetration ability even into the hardened special armour-steel. The surfaces of old vehicles were coated twice and are still after 15 years they in excellent condition.”

Baltic Shipping Co testimony of 25 years of use of Isotrol without sand blasting“Once one of the biggest shipping companies in The Soviet trading fleet, Morflot, had more than 200 vessels. […] On surfaces where we of different reasons couldn’t sandblast we often used Isotrol. The reason was that Isotrol had proved to be effective, even if the surface was corroded or impossible to clean properly. […] We have used “the Isotrol System” besides traditional heavy painting system for more than 25 years with evcellent results and can therefore strongly recommend Isotrol when it is not possible to sandblast or on surfaces with very poor conditions.”

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